About us

Substantial investment in new equipment

Chassis alignment jigs

Chassis alignment jigs

Modern vehicles are becoming increasingly complex, meaning constant investment to be able to repair these vehicles correctly.


Our bodyshops feature laser chassis alignment jigs; the equipment necessary for safe, effective chassis alignment checking and straightening following accident damage.

New technology training

New technology training

Providing a state of the art technology training programme to all our employees.


Designed to help achieve our technology goals and to keep ahead of advances in the automotive industry.

Bodyshop management

Bodyshop management

A bespoke IT platform is used across the Rye Street Group.


Linking all 6 branches together and providing a uniform platform from which procedures and performance can be monitored and measured. Delivering consistent performance and customer service.

Wheel alignment systems

Wheel alignment systems

We offer state of the art wheel alignment facilities to restore your vehicles steering to perfect factory standard.


Our wheel alignment service is carried out using the same modern apparatus many manufacturers use to achieve a perfect setup.

High strength steel welders

High strength steel welders

More and more vehicles are now constructed using high strength and ultra high strength steels.


It is imperative that the correct welding equipment is used when replacing damaged body panels. Rye Street Group only use the highest specification of welders to ensure a safe repair and to meet manufacturers standards.

Investing in the future

Investing in the future

We invest thousands each year in the latest technologies.


- Customer internet access
- Diagnostics Equipment
- Computerised Estimating
- Digital Imaging
- Driver Tracking

First class repair
Our services

Accident repair services

Our locations
Areas covered

Rye Street Group locations

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